In the api at, there does not appear to be any support for graphics, windowing, or user-interactive events.
There used to be: (note the "old"), but we can't use these libraries anymore:
import java.awt.Graphics; // Compile time error: Class not found : java.awt.Graphics.
import java.awt.*; // this works, but so does import java.nonExistantPackage.*;
Does Haxe still have java graphics support? If so, how can we use it?
Note: I installed java successfully:
haxelib install hxjava
There IS access to java.awt et al (through hxjava). The unusual part is the error message when targeting a different platform: instead of "can't access x while targeting y" it is "can't find x". This is very confusing since I tested the existence of the api by using an import statement without changing the target.
Yes, you can use java.awt.*
and javax.swing.*
Here's a gist including the basics from Justinfront's code on the old Haxe site that you referred to.
I testrun it a minute ago, using Haxe 3.1.3 and hxjava 3.1.0 - no problem. Hope this helps!