My code coverage has listed my custom exception as 0 test coverage. I am using MsTest,Moq and Fluentassertions. Is there an appropriate unit test for a custom exception?
Here is my Exception class
public class ConfigurationNotFoundException : Exception
public ConfigurationNotFoundException()
public ConfigurationNotFoundException(string message) : base(message)
public ConfigurationNotFoundException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
protected ConfigurationNotFoundException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
If it's showing as 0% coverage, it's because it is unused/untested.
Taking your original custom exception class, and this beautiful class which uses it :
public class SomeClass
public void SomeMethod()
throw new ConfigurationNotFoundException("Hey!");
If I have the following Unit Test (with Fluent Assertions) :
public class SomeClassTest
public void SomeMethodShouldThrow()
Action invocation = () => new SomeClass().SomeMethod();
The coverage shows correctly the used constructor as covered :
So if it's not covered, it is either untested or unused.
To verify if it is unused, you can do a right-click on the method name and select 'Find Usages'. If you have the 'No usages' message, you can safely delete it.
If it is used but untested; test it (the behavior, not the exception class itself).
With our previous example, you'd only need the following :
public class ConfigurationNotFoundException : Exception
public ConfigurationNotFoundException(string message)
: base(message)
The other constructors are not needed to inherit from Exception
, and would only clutter the class since they serve no purpose.