Search code examples

Boosting in more like this elasticsearch

I was trying to do a simple POC for related items using the elasticsearch's,

But I was not getting how to use the boosting so that the important fields in my document carry more weight in the final output. Also how can I apply a boost in more like this query such that the recent documents carry more weight.



  • One way to achieve specific boosts if a document is more like a particular doc or if the match is on particular field you can use multiple mlt queries and wrap them in a should clause(bool)/dis_max based on whether you want "sum of"/"max of" logic while scoring:

    Example using dis_max would be :

    POST  test_index/_search?explain=true
        "fields": [
        "query": { 
            "dis_max": {
               "queries": [
                    "more_like_this" : {
                        "fields" : ["field1"],
                        "like_text" : "this is  some text",
                        "min_term_freq" : 1,
                        "max_query_terms" : 2,
                        "boost": 20
                    "more_like_this" : {
                        "fields" : ["field2"],
                        "like_text" : "this is some other text",
                        "min_term_freq" : 1,
                        "max_query_terms" : 2,
                        "boost": 20