I have the following code. I have hardcoded the x and y values to test. And for some reason for the point (0,-0.5) it plots (1,-0.5) For the life of me I do not know what is going on, because if you try other values then the graph displays correctly.
foreach (var grp in q)
point = new DataPoint();
Sum1 = grp.Sum1 > 2 ? 2 : grp.Sum1;
Sum1 = Sum1 < -2 ? -2 : Sum1;
Sum2 = grp.Sum2 > 2 ? 2 : grp.Sum2;
Sum2 = Sum2 < -2 ? -2 : Sum2;
point.XValue = 0;
point.YValues = new double[] { -0.5 };
chart1.Series[grp.Id.ToString()].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point;
chart1.Series[grp.Id.ToString()].Label = grp.Id.ToString();
chart1.Series[grp.Id.ToString()].ToolTip = "THEMES = " + Sum1 + "\n PRICES = " + Sum2;
chart1.Series[grp.Id.ToString()].LabelToolTip = "THEMES = " + Sum1 + "\n PRICES = " + Sum2;
chart1.Series[grp.Id.ToString()].MarkerSize = 11;
if (grp.Id.ToString() == "WW" || grp.Id.ToString() == "PB"
|| grp.Id.ToString() == "AJ" || grp.Id.ToString() == "AK")
avgTheme += (float)Sum1;
avgPrice += (float)Sum2;
this line needed to be added, works only with .NET 4.5
chart1.Series["ABC"].CustomProperties = "IsXAxisQuantitative=True";
This is really weird! Looks like a very hard to believe bug. I played around but can only confirm that there seems to be no way to set a single Point
to position 0 in a Series
Here is a silly workaround:
S1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point;
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
DataPoint point = new DataPoint();
point.SetValueXY(i, -0.5);
if (i > 0) point.Color = Color.Transparent;
I wish I knew what this is about - Chart
is so ill-documented there might still be some system to the madness..
Update: When you add a Timer
and let its Tick
remove the transparent 2nd Point
, you can see how the 1st Point
jumps from 0 to 1. So weird..