In JSF, it's easy to override Messages from the default resource bundle:
javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED = {0}: Please enter value
I would like to use the same mechanism for my own library containing JSF resource bundles, composite components and utility classes. In this library I define a bundle:
And in my webapp which uses this library:
a) default case
#{am['key']} fetches the value from the library (OK)
b) special case where I try to override the property from the library in another resource bundle:
#{am['key']} should fetch the overritten property from webappbundle (DOES NOT WORK)
I know, it's not the right way to solve the problem but perhaps you understand my question and can give me an alternative solution.
BTW: I don't want to override a complete bundle, only some keys...
OK, it's not possible to override only some keys of a ResourceBundle. But you can override complete bundles.