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Creating simple text tweening with CreateJS

I've started to learn how to use CreateJS. I'm trying to make a simple text tweening. So I have this code:

<script src=""></script>

function init() {
    var c = createjs;
    var stage = new c.Stage("myCanvas");

    var txt = new c.Text("Hola!", "bold 16px Arial");
    txt.alpha = 0.2;
        .to({alpha:1}, 1500)
        .to({text:"Ciao!"}, 800)
        .to({rotation:360, text:"Hello"}, 1300)
        .to({y:380}, 2000, c.Ease.bounceOut)
        .call(alert, ["Done animating!"], window);

<body onLoad="init();">
    <canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="400">Canvas not supported</canvas>

I see my text on the canvas, it has alpha 0.2, it even pops up the alert in the end, but I don't see any motion on the canvas. What am I doing wrong?


  • stage.update(); needs to be called repeatedly in order to correctly render animations, the most common way is to call it on every tick.

    createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", function() {

    Add this to your code and then it should work properly.