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setting hibernate.max_fetch_depth in spring petclinic

I am experimenting with the spring petclinic app, the complete code for which is at this link. I would like to set hibernate.max_fetch_depth=0, but I cannot seem to get this setting to take effect when I re-start tomcat server and re-launch the app from eclipse.

Here is a link to the directory that contains all the config files. In which config file should I place the hibernate.max_fetch_depth=0 setting, and what exact syntax should I use?

I tried placing this in business-config.xml:

<property name="jpaProperties">
        <prop key="">create-drop</prop>
        <prop key="hibernate.max_fetch_depth">0</prop>

I also tried putting this in


But neither approach seems to work.


  • I set it in one of my tests in GitHub:

    properties.put("hibernate.max_fetch_depth", "0");

    Then I debbuged the SessionFactory class:

    Integer maxFetchDepth = ConfigurationHelper.getInteger( AvailableSettings.MAX_FETCH_DEPTH, properties );
    if ( maxFetchDepth != null ) {
        LOG.debugf( "Maximum outer join fetch depth: %s", maxFetchDepth );
    settings.setMaximumFetchDepth( maxFetchDepth );

    And it worked perfectly:

    DEBUG [main]: o.h.c.SettingsFactory - Maximum outer join fetch depth: 0

    Try defining it in persistence.xml:

        <property name="hibernate.max_fetch_depth" value="0"/>