I have a embedded C static library that communicates with a hardware peripheral. It currently does not support multiple hardware peripherals, but I need to interface to a second one. I do not care about code footprint rightnow. So I want to duplicate that library; one for each hardware.
This of course, will result in symbol collision. A good method is to use objcopy to add a prefix to object files. So I can get hw1_fun1.o and hw2_fun1.o. This post illustrates it.
I want to add a prefix to all c functions on the source level, not the object. Because I will need to modify a little bit for hw2.
Is there any script, c-preprocessor, tool that can make something like:
./scriptme --prefix=hw2 ~/src/ ~/dest/
I'll be grateful :)
I wrote a simple bash script that does the required function, or sort of. I hope it help someone one day.
[ -d $DIR_DST ] || ( echo "Destination directory does not exist!" && exit 1 );
cp -r $DIR_SRC/* $DIR_DST/
chmod -R 755 $DIR_DST # cygwin issue with Windows7
sync # file permissions. (Pure MS shit!)
funs=`find $DIR_BIN -name *.o | xargs $CMD_NM | grep " R \| T " | awk '{print $3}'`
echo "Found $(echo $funs | wc -w) functions, processing:"
for fun in $funs;
echo " $fun";
find $DIR_DST -type f -exec sed -i "s/$fun/hw2_$fun/g" {} \;
echo "Done! Now change includes and compile your project ;-)"