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iOS 8 Widget Ad Hoc distribution

I'm trying to distribute a simple today widget with an ad-hoc profile.

The widget works flawlessly when invoked from XCode in debug mode, but appears empty when the ad-hoc app is installed on the device.

I've asserted that

  • the provisioning profile is correct
  • the app (which has almost no code) launches and displays the trust request
  • preferredContentSize has been set
  • the widget appears in the widget list (edit mode)
  • the widget appears in the notification center, with its title, but with zero height.

    Any clues? Thanks.


the widget is actually executed (loadView, viewDidAppear, ...) but crashes. Given that its almost empty, and it works in debug mode, it's pretty strange. The crashreport has no useful info.


Adding an MKMapView to the controller's view makes it crash. Pretty strange.


  • It seems the widget crashes due to memory pressure. MKMapView is known to be memory hungry.