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Grails URL mapping for resources that don't exist

I have a fizzbuzz.gsp, and I have a FizzBuzzController with an index() method that renders this GSP:

class FizzBuzzController {
    def index() {
        render(view: "fizzbuzz", model: getModel())

    def getModel() { ... }

Normally, to get the HTML associated with the fiizbuzz.gsp file, I would make a call to

I have a unique situation where I now need my Grails app to serve requests for HTML file URLs like so http://myapp.example/fizzbuzz.html.

Does Grails provide any way to map incoming request for http://myapp.example/fizzbuzz.html to That way, the client-side could request an HTML file, but that would still serve back the correct GSP/HTML file from the server-side. Any ideas?


  • You can do that is different ways. If you are using Grails 2.3 or above you can use redirect in UrlMapping.groovy as:

    "/fizzbuzz.html"(redirect: "/fizzBuzz")

    which dictates to "If you see fizzbuzz.html in url, then redirect to the index action of fizzBuzz controller"

    or you can also use it explicitly as

    //index is the default action therefore specifying action in the map is optional
    "/fizzbuzz.html"(redirect: [ controller: "fizzBuzz", action: ''index' ]) 

    or you can duplicate the mapping as

    "/fizzbuzz.html"(controller: "fizzBuzz") 

    In either of the case it would invoke the action method instead of looking for any static resource.