I try to modify the form of UserVoice.
Here the html code of the widget :
<article class="widget large-widget">
<div class="viewport vertical-layout" data-viewport="" style="height: 325px;">
<section class="pane instant-answers-omnibox-input-pane" style="display: block;">
<div class="pane-body" style="top: 48px; bottom: 119px; height: 158px;">
<div data-stretch-vertical="" style="height: 158px;">
placeholder="Give feedback or ask for help…"
class="textbox textarea full-width full-height">
I want to modify the placeholder of textarea, but It's impossible to access it.
Exemple :
jQuery('textarea').attr('class') -> <nothing> (otherwise: 'textbox')
I just noticed that uservoice uses an iframe for the widget! Sorry!