I want to drop the star on a tree and detect which tree the star has been dropped on so I can highlight and select it eventually. But I couldn't get more than just moving the star.
I chose for kineticjs because it works with touchscreen so I don't want to use something else if possible. (unless it works with both touchscreen and mouse too)
This is my javascript:
<script defer="defer">
function drawImage(imageObj) {
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: "star",
width: 900,
height: 500
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
// star
var star = new Kinetic.Image({
image: imageObj,
x: 376,
y: 30,
width: 40,
height: 46,
draggable: true,
draw: false
// add cursor styling
star.on('mouseover', function() {
document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer';
star.on('mouseout', function() {
document.body.style.cursor = 'default';
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.onload = function() {
imageObj.src = 'http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Star_icon_1.png';
Please see the fiddle for the full code: http://jsfiddle.net/hpq7rpnh/1/
Add the trees as their own objects, and then you can check collision between stars and trees:
var starLayer = new Kinetic.Layer(); // its own layer, index should be above tree layer
var treeLayer = new Kinetic.Layer(); // its own layer
var tree = new Kinetic.Rectangle( ... );
var tree2 = new Kinetic.Rectangle( ... ); // another tree at another coordinate
treeLayer.add(tree2); // assuming you have a layer for Trees ONLY already
later on, when the user drops the star, you need to check collision
// sample bounding box collision detection
function checkCollision(){
var trees = treeLayer.getChildren(); // gets all the trees
for(tree in trees)
if(star.xCoord > tree.xCoord && star.xCoord + star.width < tree.xCoord + tree.width ... same for y coordinates)