I have a number of traceroutes that i need to compare against each other but i dont know the best way to do it, ive been told that hash maps are a good technique but i dont know how to implement them on my code.
so far i have:
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream("traceroute.log");
// Get the object of DataInputStream
DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String strLine;
// reads lines in
while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
and the output looks like this:
Wed Mar 31 01:00:03 BST 2010
traceroute to www.bbc.co.uk (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 0.873 ms 1.074 ms 1.162 ms
2 core-from-cmp.uea.ac.uk ( 0.312 ms 0.350 ms 0.463 ms
3 ueaha1btm-from-uea1 ( 0.791 ms 0.772 ms 1.238 ms
4 bound-from-ueahatop.uea.ac.uk ( 5.094 ms 4.451 ms 4.441 ms
5 gi0-3.norw-rbr1.eastnet.ja.net ( 4.426 ms 5.014 ms 4.389 ms
6 gi3-0-2.chel-rbr1.eastnet.ja.net ( 6.055 ms 6.039 ms *
7 lond-sbr1.ja.net ( 6.994 ms 7.493 ms 7.457 ms
8 so-6-0-0.lond-sbr4.ja.net ( 8.206 ms 8.187 ms 8.234 ms
9 po1.lond-ban4.ja.net ( 8.673 ms 6.294 ms 7.668 ms
10 bbc.lond-sbr4.ja.net ( 6.303 ms 8.118 ms 8.107 ms
11 ( 6.245 ms 8.066 ms 6.541 ms
12 ( 7.023 ms 8.419 ms 7.068 ms
what i need to do is compare this trace against another one just like it and look for the changes and time differences etc, then print a stats page.
I would define a data class (TraceEntry) that encapsulates a single entry info: serial number, host name, ip and time durations. Then I would define the equals() method according to the matching criteria (ip I suppose?), and implement hashCode() accordingly.
Now, it is possible to add all entries of one trace into a hashset, and then scan the other trace, looking for matches in the hashset. Whenever a match is found you can check the differences in the fields other than the ip.
I hope I understood well your comparison model.