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Can't access second controller in codeigniter

I have created twe separate controller one for admin and one for front-end i can access front end controller and can access it functions but when i try to access the admin controller i can't i am using .htacess file to rewrite the url .My url looks like that http://localhost/bookstore/index.

Front-end controller:

class Bookstore extends CI_Controller {

   function __construct()

    public function index()

Admin-Controller :

class Adminstore extends CI_Controller {

   function __construct()

   public function index()

Route file look like this:

$route['default_controller'] = "bookstore";
$route['(:any)'] = "bookstore/$1";
$route['404_override'] = '';

And i am stuck here that why the second controller is not working please point out my mistake so i can procced further one more thing when i want to access admin my url is like this http://localhost/bookstore/adminstore/index and it say 404 page not found


  • You need another routing rule before that "any" rule which redirects pretty much everything. So, something like this should work:

    $route['default_controller'] = "bookstore";
    $route['adminstore/(:any)'] = "adminstore/$1";
    $route['(:any)'] = "bookstore/$1";
    $route['404_override'] = '';

    Remember, rules are checked in order, from top to bottom, so anything less specific/global should go at the top. "any" rules should be at the very bottom.