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Multiple Input State Table method

I am a novice in VHDL. In one of my assignments I needed to implement a state machine in a State Table method using VHDL. So i wrote the following code for the architechture entity :

X,Y are input bits basically this is a moore machine which accepts two inputs and outputs a bit.

   architecture Table of SM1_2 is
  type StateTable is array(integer range<>,bit range<>,bit range<>) of integer;
  type OutTable is array(integer range<>) of bit;
  signal State,NextState : integer := 0;
  constant ST: StateTable(0 to 3,'0' to '1','0' to '1'):=
  constant OT: OutTable(0 to 3):=
begin                               --Concurrent Statements
  NextState <= ST(State,X,Y);       --Next state from state table
  Z <= OT(State);  

ModelSim reports an error: Integer literal 3 is not of type sub-array #3 of StateTable.

I have googled extensively and am not able to find a solution for this. How do I use multidimensional arrays in VHDL?


  • The StateTable type is declared as multi-dimentional array of integer type:

    type StateTable is array(integer range<>,bit range<>,bit range<>) of integer;

    The the constant created from this type is assigned with an array that does not have the required levels in:

    constant ST : StateTable(0 to 3,'0' to '1','0' to '1') := ( (3,0,1,0), ...

    So try adding levels in the constant value, like:

    constant ST: StateTable(0 to 3,'0' to '1','0' to '1'):=
      (((3, 0), (1, 0)), 
       ((2, 0), (1, 1)), 
       ((3, 0), (1, 1)), 
       ((2, 0), (1, 0)));

    The index value may be used when creating the constant, to make it clearer what values are assigned to different elements in the array:

    constant ST: StateTable(0 to 3,'0' to '1','0' to '1'):=
      (0 => ('0' => ('0' => 3, '1' => 0),
             '1' => ('0' => 1, '1' => 0)),
       1 => ('0' => ('0' => 2, '1' => 0),
             '1' => ('0' => 1, '1' => 1)),
       2 => ('0' => ('0' => 3, '1' => 0),
             '1' => ('0' => 1, '1' => 1)),
       3 => ('0' => ('0' => 2, '1' => 0),
             '1' => ('0' => 1, '1' => 0)));