Using DataMapper Enum type for the first time, and I noticed the first value in the enum translates to a 1. I need this to be zero based to be backward compatiable with another ORM layer in a different application also reading this database.
You should be able to monkey-patch enum.rb in dm-types to support this. You will need to replace the initialize
method with a slightly modified copy where @flag_map[i+1]
is replaced with @flag_map[i]
module DataMapper
class Property
class Enum < Object
def initialize(model, name, options = {})
@flag_map = {}
flags = options.fetch(:flags, self.class.flags)
flags.each_with_index do |flag, i|
@flag_map[i] = flag
if self.class.accepted_options.include?(:set) && !options.include?(:set)
options[:set] = @flag_map.values_at(*@flag_map.keys.sort)
end # end initialize
end # end class Enum
end # end class Property
end # end module DataMapper