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get widget from QListWidget

I have a custom QWidget class called VideoWidget which I used to populate my QListWidget ui->myList. Doubleclicking on any item of the list should give me its VideoWidget.


void MainWindow::playClip(QModelIndex index){
    QListWidgetItem* item = ui->myList->itemAt(0,index.row());
    VideoWidget widget = <dynamic_cast>(VideoWidget*)( ui->myList->itemWidget(item) );
    cout << "custom widget data" << widget.getMyData() << endl;

It won't let me compile the line VideoWidget widget = <dynamic_cast>(VideoWidget*)( ui->myList->itemWidget(item) );. I'm not sure what I am missing here.


    1. Syntax of dynamic_cast is

       VideoWidget *widget = dynamic_cast<VideoWidget*>(ui->myList->itemWidget(item));
    2. You should probably use qobject_cast instead, since that is a QObject:

       VideoWidget *widget = qobject_cast<VideoWidget*>(ui->myList->itemWidget(item));
    3. Add code, at least Q_ASSERT(widget);, after the cast to verify that cast was successful (returns nullptr for failed cast).