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array as data member in a class javascript

I am new one in object oriented javascript and trying to define a class, that have an array as a data member. this data member of class storing objects of an other class as an array.

it will be more clear by this example

function classA(id, objB_01)
{ = id;   // data member that store a simple value
    this.arrayname = objB_01  // How multiple instance of classB is stored in this array 


function classB( id, name, status)
{ = id; = name;
     this.status = status 

objB_01 = new classB("01", "john", "single");
objB_02 = new classB("02", "smith" "single");
objB_03 = new classB("03", "nina", "married");

now my question is how i can write classA so that single instance of classA hold an array that store mutiple object of classB

Something like this

objA = new classA("01",objB_01);
objA.arrayname = objB_02;
objA.arrayname = objB_03;

Now Finally objA contain one string and one array that store multiple objects of classB

Please point me in the right direction


  • One option can be to initialize an empty array in the constructor function and also have some method to add objects to the array.

    function classA (id) { = id;
        this.array = [];
        this.add = function (newObject) {

    Then you can do this:

    objA = new classA("01");