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Polymer: Where exactly do I put my Javascript for an Element?

I have trouble loading Javascript in normal Polymer Elements:

Here is the test code that works perfectly fine, when executed without polymer:

    #content {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
    #button {padding: 10px 20px;}

    <div id="content">
        <h1 id="title">Title</h1>

        <p>This example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a click event to the document.</p>

        <button id="button">Testbutton</button>

        function popup2() {
            alert("What's up brow?");
            console.log("deine mudda");

        var button = document.getElementById("button");
        button.addEventListener("click", popup2, false);


But I want to use Javascript inside Polymer Elements and have tried the following insertions:

Nr. 1: Javascript inside the script tag, after the template tag:

 <polymer-element name="my-element">

        #content {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        #button {padding: 10px 20px;}

        <div id="content">
            <h1 id="title">Title</h1>

            <p>This example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a click event to the document.</p>

            <button id="button">Testbutton</button>


        Polymer('my-element', {
            popup: function() {
                alert('What the... dude?');

            var button = document.getElementById("button");
            button.addEventListener("click", popup, false);



And this doesn't work. I get the error message in firefox: "SyntaxError: missing : after property id. Chrome instead says: "SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier".

Both poin to the line "var button = document.getelementById("button");

According to the Polymer Documentation, javascript should just be placed at the end of the file:

So in a second attempt, I place my Javascript directly inside the template tags like this:

<polymer-element name="my-element">

        #content {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        #button {padding: 10px 20px;}

        <div id="content">
            <h1 id="title">Title</h1>

            <p>This example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a click event to the document.</p>

            <button id="button">Testbutton</button>

            function popup() {

            var button = document.getElementById("button");
            button.addEventListener("click", popup, false);


        Polymer('my-element', {



But this time I get: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null", which points agian to the line where I write: "button.addEventListener("click", popup, false);".

I guess this means, that the compiler can't see the button id, because it is in the Shadow-Dom?

Please instruct me.


  • <polymer-element name="my-element">
        #content {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        #button {padding: 10px 20px;}
        <div id="content">
            <h1 id="title">Title</h1>
            <p>This example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a click event to the document.</p>
            <button on-tap="{{popup}}">Testbutton</button>
        Polymer('my-element', {
            popup: function() {

    inside a polymer element you can bind directly to a function by using on-tap="{{function}}" attribute.

    edited: all code didn't get into block

    keeping eventlisteners in the js method

    <polymer-element name="my-element">
        #content {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
        #button {padding: 10px 20px;}
        <div id="content">
            <h1 id="title">Title</h1>
            <p>This example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a click event to the document.</p>
            <button id="button">Testbutton</button>
        Polymer('my-element', {
            ready: function () {
                var button = this.$.button;
                button.addEventListener("click", function () {

    edited again: OP wanted to keep html separate from JS

    edited 1 more time: i think using a anonymous function is the easiest way to go here if not using the declarative method. code edited