I would like to change button text for file field in Bootstrap Filestyle plugin in Bootstrap 2.3.2, but it doesn't work and text of button is still default. I create file field by replacing element in jquery and tried to set text by attribute data-buttonText
or method $("#changeAccountsSourceModal :file").filestyle('buttonText', 'Choose address');
File field
$("#changeAccountsSourceModal .form-horizontal").replaceWith("<input type=\"file\" class=\"filestyle\" data-input=\"true\" data-buttonText=\"Choose address\">");
$("#changeAccountsSourceModal :file").filestyle();
Just tried it out by passing the option in an object on initiating filestyle, works.
$("#changeAccountsSourceModal :file").filestyle({buttonText: 'Choose address'});
Ironically when you try to change the vaule afterwords the text just gets added to the button.
$("#changeAccountsSourceModal :file").filestyle('buttonText', 'Choose address');