So here's the file I need to sort.
10/07/13 17.363001 259 04/10/12 17.385000 343 04/10/12 17.678001 235 05/12/12 17.685001 265 10/07/13 17.980001 210 21/10/14 18.478001 773 06/06/12 18.523001 208 10/07/13 18.592001 214 27/06/14 18.772001 349 21/10/14 18.978001 630 21/10/14 19.025002 772 10/07/13 19.240002 69 02/05/12 19.356001 219 27/06/14 19.604000 693 24/04/12 19.756001 204
24/04/12 19.756001 204 6 02/05/12 19.356001 219 1 06/06/12 18.523001 208 1 05/12/12 17.685001 265 6 10/07/13 17.363001 259 8 05/12/12 23.172001 353 7 04/10/12 17.678001 235 2 04/10/12 17.385000 343 1 27/06/14 18.772001 349 6 05/12/12 24.316002 299 2 04/04/13 22.014002 61 2 10/07/13 17.980001 210 2 10/07/13 19.240002 69 6 10/07/13 18.592001 214 7 26/08/13 22.243002 549 4 26/08/13 22.927002 580 4 19/09/13 20.098001 579 3 26/10/13 104.303001 603 1 29/12/13 52.244003 290 1 06/03/14 28.275002 294 1 02/04/14 22.736002 406 3 27/06/14 19.604000 693 3 11/09/14 20.366001 540 2 21/10/14 18.478001 773 8 21/10/14 20.771002 714 4 21/10/14 19.025002 772 4 21/10/14 18.978001 630 2 21/10/14 21.544001 510 1
The file is for stats for a quake mod. The format is as follows:
[version of game] [1(always will be 1)] [mapname] [JUMPMOD067TOP10TIMES]
The top10 times section is in the format [date] [finish_time] [user id]
The alltimes section is in the format [date] [finish_time] [user id] [map_completions]
What I need to do is read in the text file sort the alltimes section in order of [finish_time], remove the [map_completions] number, then replace the top10times section with the sorted version of all times. This has to be done for roughly 2500 files, or I would do it by hand. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.
You could try something like this, where you pass in the scores filename as a command line argument and it writes to filename.calculated
On *nix, you could invoke it across all of the scores files with find . -name '*scores' -exec ruby calculate_high_scores.rb {} \;
file_name = ARGV[0]
file_content =
file_content.match /([\w\d]+TOP10TIMES).* ([\w\d]+ALLTIMES)/
top_10_label = $1.upcase
all_times_label = $2.upcase
header, scores = file_content.split(top_10_label)
top_10, all_times = file_content.split(all_times_label)
sorted = all_times.split(' ').each_slice(4).to_a.sort do |a,b|
b[1].to_f <=> a[1].to_f
calculate_top_10 = sorted[0..9].map { |score| score[0..2].join(' ') }.join(' ')
result = "#{header}#{top_10_label} #{calculate_top_10} #{all_times_label}#{all_times}""#{file_name}.calculated", "w") do |f|
f << result
Good luck!