I want to make sure the expression in lambda is same as expected expression
Also I want to write test case for expected value
If I write match it is not working
For example
public bool IsUserActive(User user)
userRepository.Any(x=>x.UserId== user.UserId && x.IsActive);
Unit test Case
The above expression is not working
I have seen the example but I want to test some lambda expression that return bool by checking condition
not the user name string
stubUserRepository.Stub(x =>
x.GetUserByName(Arg<string>.Matches(y =>
y.StartsWith("aye", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)
|| y.StartsWith("stein", StringComparison.InvariantCulture)))
Assert.AreSame(theUser, stubUserRepository.GetUserByName("steinegger"));
Assert.AreSame(theUser, stubUserRepository.GetUserByName("ayende"));
Use AbstractConstraint attribute
public class UserConstraint :AbstractConstraint
and override Equal to match contstraint
x =>
x.ValidateRequestUser(Arg<UserDto>.Matches(new UserConstraint (_userDto))));