I am trying to make a query where there is a bind and a LIKE. The query itself if I change the where for 1 works, so it is a problem of the bind and query.
Can someone give me a hand with that:
$vendor = $this->fetchAll(
->from('vendor', array('vendor_id'))
->join('user', 'vendor_user_id = user_id', array('user_id','user_name'))
->where("user_name LIKE (':keyword%')")
'keyword' => $keyword,
I am trying to get something like this for the keyword "Cake"
WHERE user_name LIKE ('Cake%')
Usually the percent %
is not escaped. So you can use it inside your bind
function or directly with where
$vendor = $this->fetchAll(
->from('vendor', array('vendor_id'))
->join('user', 'vendor_user_id = user_id', array('user_id','user_name'))
->where("user_name LIKE (':keyword')")
'keyword' => $keyword . '%',
Or without using bind
->where('user_name LIKE ?', $keyword.'%');