The following code throws "negative edge weight" on prim_minimum_spanning_tree
call even though i am using only positive numbers. What should be changed to make it work?
typedef boost::property<vertex_distance_t, int> VertexProperty;
typedef boost::property<edge_weight_t, int> EdgeProperty;
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty> Graph;
typedef pair<int, int> Edge;
Edge edges[] = {Edge(0, 1), Edge(1, 2)};
int weights[] = {2, 1}; // this works: int weights[] = {1, 2};
Graph g(edges, edges + sizeof(edges)/sizeof(Edge), weights, 3);
std::vector<Graph::vertex_descriptor> predecessors(num_vertices(g));
boost::prim_minimum_spanning_tree(g, &predecessors[0]);
Note: I can make it succeed by tweaking weight values.
Compiler : MS Visual Studio 2010 C++ Boost version: 1.54
This was a Boost bug, and is already fixed: if anyone else sees this behavior from 1.54, just update to 1.55 or newer.