I know there many questions on SO but non of them has good enough answer and before asking here I googled a lot specially SO but nothing could make it clear. I just simply wants to start my other thread when my SwingWorker finish its work.
I want to start a timer when the SwingWorker finishes it's work but cannot figure out how.
class createGUI extends SwingWorker<Void, Void>
protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception
//Some long processing
protected void done()
//Doing GUI work here
//Starts a progressBar and calls createGUI();
new createGUI().execute();
Now there is another startTimer Thread which I want to start when this SwingWork finishes.
public class startTimer implements Runnable
public void run()
//Update Database
But I don't understand how can I do so?
Unless I'm missing something, you could pass a reference in the constructor to createGUI
and start that when done()
class createGUI extends SwingWorker<Void, Void>
private Thread startTimer;
public createGUI(Thread startTimer) {
this.startTimer = startTimer;
protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception {
//Some long processing
protected void done()
//Doing GUI work here
You would also need to change
new createGUI().execute();
to something like
new createGUI(new Thread(new startTimer())).execute();
Also, class names should start with a capital letter. CreateGUI
and StartTimer