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Call oracle function with MyBatis (Annotation Based)

I need call Oracle Function in MyBatis using Annotations.

My Mapper:

@Select("{ CALL #{outParam, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=OUT} := ORA_FUNC( "
    + "#{pNum1, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN},"
    + "#{pNum2, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN},"
    + "#{pNum3, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN} )}")
@Options(statementType = StatementType.CALLABLE)
public Integer executeFunction(
    @Param("map") Map<String, Object> carteira);

and my call to this signature:

Map<String, Object> mapParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
mapParameters.put("pNum1", carteira.getUnimedCarteira());
mapParameters.put("pNum2", carteira.getCodCarteira());
mapParameters.put("pNum3", carteira.getDigitoCarteira());
return mapParameters.get("outParam").toString();

The outParam is null and the return of mapper is null too.

Can anyone help-me?


  • create a domain class SpInOut class

    class SpInOut{
        private String outParam;
        private int pNum1;
        private int pNum2;
        private int pNum3;
        //Getters and setters

    And you can change your maaper as below

    @Select("{ #{outParam, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=OUT} = CALL ORA_FUNC( "
        + "#{pNum1, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN},"
        + "#{pNum2, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN},"
        + "#{pNum3, jdbcType=NUMERIC, mode=IN} )}")
    @Options(statementType = StatementType.CALLABLE)
    public void executeFunction(
        SpInOut inOut);