in my application we're using some input fields directly, and some via a template. The strange thing is that on the inputfield in the template the separator is a dot (.) and those outside the template is a ,
Both inputtexts are completely equal, we even tried to set the same locale for both without success:
in this snippet it's a ,
<p:inputText value="#{manageContracts.dieselFloater}"
id="dieselFloater" required="true">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2"
minFractionDigits="2" locale="de"/>
in this one it's a . (inside an ui:composition):
<p:inputText value="#{_price}" style="width:140px">
<f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" minFractionDigits="2" locale="de" />
does anyone have an idea?
You can use pattern=""
in <f:convertNumber>
to specify wether you want a dot (.) or a coma (,).
See documentation :
See example :
To fix the decimal separator, see this workaround : JSF Locale Change Listener not persistent
It consists to wrap your <ui:composition>
in a <f:view locale="de">