So let's say I got a coordinate grid. I need to know whether or not p0 is located on ellipse starting from p1 ending with p2.
Example with other geometric objects: -- Rectangle
function PositiongOnRectangle(posx, posy, x1, y1, x2, y2)
return (posx >= x1 and posy >= y1 and posx <= x2 and posy <= y2)
-- circle
function PositionOnCircle(posx, posy, x1, y1, radius)
local distance = math.sqrt((posx - x1)^2 + (posy - y1)^2)
return (radius >= distance)
Exmaples above are witten in Lua, however pseudo code will do. I want to do the same but with ellipse.
Thanks in advance!
For ellipse, inscribed in axis-aligned rectangle, defined by two vertices p1, p2:
PositionOnEllipse(posx, posy, x1, y1, x2, y2)
///center of ellipse coordinates:
mx = (x1+x2)/2
my = (y1+y2)/2
///ellipse semiaxes:
ax = (x1-x2)/2
ay = (y1-y2)/2
////due to ellipse equation
return = (posx-mx)^2/ax^2 + (posy-my)^2/ay^2 <= 1