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Java JAI - Error: One factory fails for the operation "Mosaic"

i'm using Java Advanced Imaging. I already have the tiles and want to put all the tiles together in one PlanarImage. The code below returns the following error message:

Error: One factory fails for the operation "Mosaic" Exception in thread "main" All factories fail for the operation "Mosaic"

public static void loadTiles() {
    RenderedImage[] source = new RenderedImage[new File("C:\\Users\\user\\workspace\\tiles\\67").listFiles().length-1];


    ImageLayout il = new ImageLayout(0, 0, 3306, 2336);
    RenderingHints rh = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, il);
    RenderedOp ro = MosaicDescriptor.create(source, MosaicDescriptor.MOSAIC_TYPE_OVERLAY, null, null, null, null, rh);

    System.out.println(ro.getData());        // <<<< Throws Exception

    PlanarImage pi = ro.createInstance();
    File outputFile = new File("C:\\Users\\dgrimm\\workspace\\tiles\\output");

    JAI.create("filestore", pi, outputFile.getAbsolutePath(), "png");


Can you help me to fix the error ?


  • You only have declared your array that stores the tiles. You haven't actually loaded the tiles into the array.