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Ace 6.2.0 and up Compile enable and disable without configuration file

I am compiling ACE in Linux and I have 2 issues with compiling, I hope someone can help me with them, since I haven't found an answer in the web:

My first question:

In previous versions of ACE, I was able to compile with configure file, disabling few ACE unneeded options like that:

../configure --host=[Some Host... for ex linux-gnueabi] \
             --enable-static \
             --disable-shared \
             --disable-ace-examples \
             --disable-ace-tests \
             --disable-ssl \
             --disable-acexml \

But now under ACE_Wrappers, there is no configure file anymore, and I see it has been removed. How can I enable \ disable these options without using the configure file?

My second problem is that after running make, I receive an error:

ld: unrecognized option '-DACE_NDEBUG'

Where is this option coming from and how can I delete it??


  • Yes, you can, you should read ACE-INSTALL.html that is in the root of the ACE package. In short, create ace/config.h which contains

    #include "ace/config-linux.h"

    and include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU which contains

    include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_linux.GNU

    I would recommend you to use the latest micro release, each release has always better quality than the previous one, see for the available downloads. More information about compiling ACE is also part of the CORBA Programmers Guide which you can download for free from