The following is the code structure, iam using hot towel template for mvc project.
The script:
(function () {
'use strict';
var controllerId = 'EditEmployeeController';
angular.module('app').controller(controllerId, ['common', 'EmployeeService', EmployeeData]);
function EmployeeData(common, EmployeeService) {
var getLogFn = common.logger.getLogFn;
var log = getLogFn(controllerId);
var $filter = common.$filter;
var logError = common.logger.getLogFn('app', 'error');
var vm = this;
vm.Country = [];
vm.State = [];
vm.employeeInfo = {};
//calling the method to get the Employee info
//calling the methods to get the States
function activate() {
var promises = [GetEmployeeInfo(),GetStates()];
common.activateController(promises, controllerId)
.then(function () { });
function GetEmployeeInfo() {
return EmployeeService.getEmpInfoForEdit(personId).then(function (data) {
vm.CountryCode = data.Country;
return vm.employeeInfo = data;
function GetStates() {
return EmployeeService.getStates(vm.CountryCode).then(function (data) {
return vm.State = data;
code snippet from EmployeeService.js
function getEmpInfoForEdit(personId) {
var EmpInfoForEdit = $resource('Employee/GetEmployeeDetailsForEdit', angular.fromJson(personId), { 'query': { method: 'POST', isArray: false } });
var deferred = $q.defer();
EmpInfoForEdit.query({}, function (response) {
}, function (error) {
return deferred.promise;
always shows null, though we are assigning a value to it in the GetEmployeeInfo
method.Because unable to get the states.
please let me know can we get the data into vm.CountryCode
the issue is resolved by moving the GetStates
method inside the then
var promises = [GetEmployeeInfo(),GetStates()];
common.activateController(promises, controllerId)
.then(function () { });
changed to
var promises = [GetEmployeeInfo()];
common.activateController(promises, controllerId)
.then(function () { GetStates() });