I have a class(looks something like this) I'm trying to test.
public class UserResource extends BaseResource {
@Autowired UserService userService;
public User registerUser(User user){
User registeredUser = userService.register(user);
return registeredUser;
The test looks like this.
public class UserResourceTest {
@Tested UserResource userResource;
@Injectable UserService userService;
@Mocked BaseResource baseResource;
public void registerShouldDoSomething(){
User user = new User();
final User registerResult = new User();
new NonStrictExpectations() {{
userService.register((User)any); result = registerResult;
For some reason in the tested class, userService is null and throwing a NPE when register is called on it (UserService is a class not interface/abstract btw). I'm wondering if perhaps some of the annotations(javax or Spring) may be clashing with JMockit or something(Although I've tried removing them)?
I've tried switching the injectable to just @Mocked, and I've tried removing it and having it be a @Mocked test method param. Nothing seems to be solving the NPE.
I ended up using reflection to manually set the @Injectable fields in the @Tested class
public class UserResourceTest {
@Tested UserResource userResource;
@Injectable UserService userService;
@Mocked BaseResource baseResource;
public void registerShouldDoSomething(){
Deencapsulation.setField(userResource,userService); //This line
User user = new User();
final User registerResult = new User();
new NonStrictExpectations() {{
userService.register((User)any); result = registerResult;
Still not sure what the bug is, but this works for me