So I have to use the becker.robots package to move forward and pick up a certain amount of flashers and then turn around and place them. However, I am not sure how to invoke the robot.move() method. Everytime I try to make it move forward I get a compiler error saying :
Error: method move in class becker.robots.Robot cannot be applied to given types; required: no arguments found: int reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
Could someone please help me :)
Moving a robot in Karel/Becker can only move a single step at a time. By design, of course.
If you wish to move 6 spaces forward, you will need to do a for loop:
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
Or call robot.move() 6 times:
Alternatively, can create a method to move it multiple times.
void customMove(int move) {
for(int i = 0; i < move; i++) {
Then a call of customMove(6);
will move Karel forwards 6 times.
Obviously, to avoid breaking Karel, you should check if it's clear before moving, but this is a conceptual design for movement.