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Simple embedded database with spring

How to setup a simple embedded database in a spring(data)+maven project?

I need to develop a simple graphical application that read some data files and display pretty stuff about it interactively. The data is very repetitive with a little hierarchical structure. However I still don't know how I will need to access it.

For these reasons, I want to store it in a database so that I can later use DB query to access the data with query filter. (it also seems a good idea to develop a persistent layer)

Because it is for a little application, I want to use an in-memory DB.

I am quite new to java (using proper dev framework) and database. But I worked on a project using spring, spring-data, JPA, etc... I did not really understand how it worked internally and would not be able to setup it up, but I found it very practical.

Now, I found lots of docs and tutorial on internet about that, but I didn't understand enough to know how to adapt them to my need. What (I think) I want is:

  • to use maven+spring
  • spring data (I guess) to use Entity, JpaRepository and Autowired stuff
  • an independent program, thus starting from a Application.main method
  • as little and simple dependencies as possible
  • an embedded DB (+fast+light if possible)
  • genericity is nice

What I fill to be lost with are:

  • where should I put what properties/xml-declaration
  • how are all the dependencies working together (spring, spring-data, h2, hsqldb, ...)

I found this project that looks to fit, but:

  • there are way too many dependencies that (I think) I don't need, thus don't want
  • I don't know how to start a program with it
  • I don't get the org.springframework.stereotype.Service thing
  • nor the javax.inject.Inject


  • I think that if you look at this project you can start building what you need

    Its maven (or gradle), has enbeded db, spring-jpa and runs as a jar that starts its own tomcat server (you can change it into a war build if you want)

    Also you can use this service(?) that spring provides to create the starting build for your project:

    You provide them with what you want to build and then the code and required files are generated :D Pretty neat.