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How to set text of a TextArea in JavaFX from constructor?

I want to set a text in a TextArea from start in JavaFX, i use this code in constructor:

public class Myclass implements Initializable{
    @FXML TextArea txta;
    @FXML Button btn;
    String msg;
        msg="Hello World";
        txta.setText(msg);//This line is my setter.
    public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
        btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
            public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
                msg=msg+"\nHallo Again!!");

Then the FXML doesn't show, but when i make comment the setter line, the FXML shows normally. Please help, How can i fix this problem?


  • Your class is a controller, and it doesn't need a constructor. All the initial settings can be done in the initialize method. You can find here a basic tutorial.

    Your text area txta will be properly initialized (that's why it has a @FXML annotation), so this will be enough:

    public class Myclass implements Initializable{
        @FXML private TextArea txta;
        @FXML private Button btn;
        private String msg;
        public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
            msg="Hello World";
                msg=msg+"\nHallo Again!!";