i have written a grammar for while in ANTLRWorks 1.5.2. i also added some actions so when i debug my code with a while code it will show 3 address code in output of ANTLRWorks. my grammar is like that:
DIGIT+; // just integers
fragment DIGIT:
fragment LETTER:
'A'..'Z' | 'a'..'z';
'<' | '<=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '!=' ;
(' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n')+ { $channel = HIDDEN; };
and i generate my grammar and i have whileParser.cs and whileLexer.cs in output folder. now i want to add my grammar to a c# project. i want to get input from user and then show output of my grammar to them. and i dont know how to add .g file and output classes to a c# project. i am using visual studio 2013. can anybody help me?
You grammar contains Java code blocks, you need to translate them to C# first. Actually, it may be a good opportunity for you to use ANTLR 4 instead and/or to switch to a parse tree approach. I should mention there's an ANTLRWorks 2 version, mostly for ANTLR 4, should you need it.
Anyway, just install the ANTLR Visual Studio Plugin and let it handle that for you. It works with both ANTLR 3 and 4.
You'll then have to add the ANTLR runtime to your project. For this, you can install the ANTLR4 NuGet or the ANTLR3 version depending on what version you chose to use in the end.