I have a html file like this:
<% int i=1; %>
<span name="page2"></span>
and in the span page2 of the above file i inserted a new page like this:
<% if(i=1) { %>
<% }
else { %>
<% } %>
I am working in Websphere portlet factory to insert the second page into first page.
The problem is the variable 'i' in the second file cannot be resolved..
Each jsp file is individually compiled in the server
. when the second file is compiled it doesnt know the declaration of int i
By default it is stored to the page
scope ,
page scope means, the JSP object can be accessed only from within the same page where it was created
You can rather set it ,
application.setAttribute( "globalVar", i);
in the application scope to access it through out the application