I am using Excel 2007 and have 5000 statements in Range A1:A5000 and four alternatives for each statement in range B1:E5000. I want to convert it to another slyle where all data comes in range G1:25000 where all four alternatives will come under every Statement. I recorded a macro but I dont know how to loop it and doing manually is impossible. Need some help here... thanks.
Statement1 - AlternativeA 1 - AlternativeA 2 - AlternativeA 3 - AlternativeA 4
Statement2 - AlternativeB 1 - AlternativeB 2 - AlternativeB 3 - AlternativeB 4
Statement3 - AlternativeC 1 - AlternativeC 2 - AlternativeC 3 - AlternativeC 4
Statement4 - AlternativeD 1 - AlternativeD 2 - AlternativeD 3 - AlternativeD 4
AlternativeA 1
AlternativeA 2
AlternativeA 3
AlternativeA 4
AlternativeB 1
AlternativeB 2
AlternativeB 3
AlternativeB 4
AlternativeC 1
AlternativeC 2
AlternativeC 3
AlternativeC 4
AlternativeD 1
AlternativeD 2
AlternativeD 3
AlternativeD 4
You don't really need VBA for this. Merely enter the formula
G1: =INDEX($A:$E,INT((ROWS($1:1)-1)/5)+1,MOD(ROWS($1:1)-1,5)+1)
and fill down to G25000. Then copy and paste-special values