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emacs function to send password to minibuffer when asked for

I usually connect to a machine through SSH and using ssh.el. I defined a command so I can do this quickly:

(defun ssh-me()
  (ssh "myuser@myhost"))

After that, the mini-buffer asks me for the password and everything works fine. I am wondering if there is a way to set my password in my function so I don't have to write it every time I want to connect to that machine, so I would have something like:

(defun ssh-me()
  (ssh "myuser@myhost")
  (send-password-to-minibuffer "mypasswd"))

Is that possible?


  • Here is an example using a small custom file that is not encrypted. In this example, the filename is .authinfo_iphone and it contains just one line -- I use it to connect to my jailbroken iphone via ssh:

    machine localhost login root password alpine port ssh

    Then, I use a small function to connect:

    (defun lawlist-remote-iphone-data ()
      (let ((auth-sources '("/Users/HOME/")))
        (find-file "/ssh:root@localhost#2222:/private/var/mobile/")))

    You could also use an external utility such as sshpass and then write-up a function -- the command-line looks like:

    /usr/bin/sshpass -p 'my-password' ssh my-username@

    And here is an example function that incorporates that command line to log-in to the iPhone over ssh. It contemplates there is already an open shell-mode buffer with the process named *shell*.

    (defun shell-iphone ()
    "From an existing shell buffer with a process named `*shell*`,
    log-in to the iPhone using sshpass."
      (let* (
          (password "alpine")
          (port "2222")
          (username "root")
          (host "localhost")
          (sshpass "/Users/HOME/")
          (ssh "/usr/bin/ssh")
          (dir "/private/var/mobile/"))
        (comint-send-string "*shell*"
          (mapconcat 'identity `(
            "\"cd " ,dir " && bash --login\"") " "))