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EclipseFP issues with Hoogle

Installed EclipseFP, looks without any observable issues. However, when I start Eclipse, I get this:

The Hoogle database is empty. Do you want to download the required information?

Whether I click yes or no, the same thing happens on next restart.

Also, in the Hoogle view, I see this:

TNo database loaded or Hoogle not present

even though I see the databases seemingly OK in workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.browser\scion-browser-0.2-dbs:

hackage.db  123.71 MB   31.10.2014 09:42:18 Data Base File  A
local.db    3.06 MB 31.10.2014 10:20:53 Data Base File  A

In the scion-browser console, I have this on startup:

>> {"rebuild":true,"filepath":"C:\\eclipse\\workspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.browser\\scion-browser-0.2-dbs\\local.db","command":"load-local-db"}
Local database loaded
>> {"module":"","command":"get-modules","db":"_all"}
>> {"rebuild":false,"filepath":"C:\\eclipse\\workspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.browser\\scion-browser-0.2-dbs\\hackage.db","command":"load-hackage-db"}
Hackage databas"ok"
e loaded
>> {"module":"Prelude","command":"get-declarations","db":"_all"}
>> {"path":"C:\\eclipse\\workspace\\.metadata\\.plugins\\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\\sandbox\\.cabal-sandbox\\bin\\hoogle.exe","command":"extra-hoogle-path"}
>> {"command":"hoogle-check"}


Looks like hoogle is not working from the command line either:

C:\>cd C:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\sandbox\.cabal-sandbox\bin\

C:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\sandbox\.cabal-sandbox\bin>hoogle fmap
Could not find some databases: default
Searching in:

There are no available databases, generate them with: hoogle data


Any ideas here? I'll add additional information as needed, just not sure what would be useful, let me know and I'll edit.


  • Looks like for some reason hoogle did not work from the command line either. May be related to this:

    C:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui\sandbox\.cabal-sandbox\bin>hoogle data
    Downloading downloads/platform.cabal
    WARNING: Could not find command line program wget.
      You may be able to install it from:
    WARNING: Could not find command line program curl.
      You may be able to install it from:
    hoogle: Error when running Shake build system:
    * default.hoo
    * platform.hoo
    * platform.txt
    * downloads/platform.cabal.cache
    * downloads/platform.cabal
    Could not find downloader, neither curl nor wget are on the $PATH.

    I have Cygwin installed, so I fixed this by running hoogle data from withing Cygwin terminal, which had wget available in the path and that seems to have solved the issue.