I am trying to add some custom text to my chart. However I have difficulties setting the font in Monotouch.
ChartFont fontLine1 = new ChartFont();
fontLine1.Brush.Color = Style.ColorStyle4;
fontLine1.DrawingFont = Style.ValueItemTitle.ToCTFont();
g.TextOut(fontLine1, currentX, currentY, AnnotationLabel);
Style.ColorStyle4 is White (CGColor); The .TOCTFont is a conversion routing to convert a UIFont to a CTFont.
However, the text is still small (size should be 18) and the font name is not correct.
If I don't set the ChartFont I get exactly the same result.
So, how to set proper font for writing text in AfterDraw event?
You can modify or add custom text (color, font, size) using the OnAfterDraw event. The code below shows you how can do it:
private void chart_AfterDraw(object sender, Steema.TeeChart.Drawing.Graphics3D g)
g.Font.Name = "Arial";
g.Font.Color = UIColor.Red.CGColor;
g.Font.Size = 18;
g.TextOut(xpos, ypos, "label");