I have following query in my sql mapping file, it is using OR in the generated SQL query for FIELD3. It is a List
of Integer
<select id="myCriteria" parameterClass="mySearchCriteria" resultMap="generated_MyResult">
select * from MY_TABLE where MY_TABLE.FIELD1 = 1
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="field2">
MY_TABLE.FIELD2 = $field2$
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="field3_list">
<iterate close=")" conjunction="or" open="(" property="meIds">
MY_TABLE.FIELD3= $field3_list[]$
If I want to use IN instead of OR , iterate
is removed, the below will work?
<select id="myCriteria" parameterClass="mySearchCriteria" resultMap="generated_MyResult">
select * from MY_TABLE where MY_TABLE.FIELD1 = 1
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="field2">
MY_TABLE.FIELD2 = $field2$
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="field3_list">
MY_TABLE.FIELD3 IN $field3_list[]$
To use a IN clause, i would keep iterate element:
<select id="myCriteria" parameterClass="mySearchCriteria" resultMap="generated_MyResult">
select * from MY_TABLE where MY_TABLE.FIELD1 = 1
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="field2">
MY_TABLE.FIELD2 = #field2#
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="field3_list">
<iterate open="(" close=")" conjunction="," property="field3_list">
Or, if you are sure that you field3_list is never null:
<select id="myCriteria" parameterClass="mySearchCriteria" resultMap="generated_MyResult">
select * from MY_TABLE where MY_TABLE.FIELD1 = 1
<isNotNull prepend="and" property="field2">
MY_TABLE.FIELD2 = #field2#
<iterate open="(" close=")" conjunction="," property="field3_list" prepend="AND MY_TABLE.FIELD3 IN">
Also, I switched your parameters from $xx$ (which refers to table name) to #xx#