I have a label control where I modify the text server side before it gets rendered. The weird thing is, when I break at the line where I access the text value, the result is an empty string, but when the control is rendered to the page, the Text contents are there.
<asp:Label id="_tealiumScript" Runat="server" EnableViewState="False">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var GetServerName = function() {
var servername;
try { servername = "<%=Server.MachineName %>"; } catch (e) { }
return servername;
On top of that, when I take out the contents in the element, I can access the text; I can see "abc" as well as the opening and closing script tags. All this, and it works in other controls in the same platform.
This is where I try to access the text in a class called TrackingUserControl (which the code from the codebehind above inherits from):
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
string text = _tealiumScript != null ? _tealiumScript.Text : " not here either";
I tried taking different parts out, and what I found was when I have the text
"<%=Server.MachineName %>"
in there, I can't access the text property of the control. if I take it out, it's fine. If anyone can enlighten me on why this happens I will be more than grateful!
I tried taking different parts out, and what I found was when I have the text
"<%=Server.MachineName %>"
in there, I can't access the text property of the control. if I take it out, it's fine.