I'm using ASP.net web application with c#. In my web application I have a webpage with a data grid view.
I'm using this method to bind data to data grid view
public void fillGridByALLBDetails()
GVView01.DataSource = new LibraryCatalogueOP().getLibraryCatalogue();
I'm calling the data grid view bind method in the page load event like this.
if (!IsPostBack)
This is my business layer method to get the data.
public DataTable getLibraryCatalogue()
string myQuery1 = "EXEC SelectLibraryCatalogue";
return new DataAccessLayer().ExecuteMyTable(myQuery1);
Sometimes my data grid loads a lots of data at once. I want to know how to achieve PAGING with this code. Any code example would be really great.
Thanks in advance.
Go through this detailed example