I have a system that generates particles from sources and updates their positions. Currently, I have written a program in OpenGL which calls my GenerateParticles(...)
and UpdateParticles(...)
and displays my output. One functionality that I would like my system to have is being able to generate n
particles per second. In my GenerateParticles(...)
and UpdateParticles(...)
functions, I accept 2 important parameters: current_time
and delta_time
. In UpdateParticles(...)
, I update the position of my particle according to the following formula: new_pos = curr_pos + delta_time*particle_vector
. How can I use these parameters and global variables (or other mechanisms) to produce n
particles per second?
You need to be careful, the naive way of creating particles will have you creating fractional particles for low values of n
(probably not what you want). Instead create an accumulator variable that gets summed with your delta_time
values each frame. Each frame check it to see how many particles you need to create that frame and subtract the appropriate amounts:
void GenerateParticles(double delta_time) {
accumulator += delta_time;
while (accumulator > 1.0 / particles_per_second) {
accumulator -= 1.0 / particles_per_second;
Make sure you put some limiting in so that if the time delta is large you don't create a million particles all at once.