For some reason I have looked at lots of posts and still I don't know how to fix this. In the update method of my game, I have a for loop that updates all the existing GameObjects.
private static void update() {
for (GameObject g : GameObjectManager.getGameObjects()) {
It says there is a ConcurrentModificationException error at the line of the for loop. I have tried, like some people said, to get the iterator of the game object list and then use that, but it still doesn't work. Even though it says the error line is at the for loop, when I remove g.update there is no more error. EDIT: I found the error. It adds a game object to the list in the GameObjectManager.registerGameObject(). The only other class that uses the update is this:
public class PaintCanvas extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6718161148154673832L;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
for (GameObject go : GameObjectManager.getGameObjects()) {
g.fillRect(go.getPosition().getX(), go.getPosition().getY(), 30, 30);
The only update method is this:
public void update() {
Random r = new Random();
int spawn = r.nextInt(100);
// 5% Chance to spawn
if (spawn <= 5) {
Spawner s = new Spawner();
s.setPosition(new Point(4, 50));
You can't modify a list while iterating it. One of your game object's update methods must be adding or removing items.
You can iterate over a copy:
for (GameObject g : new ArrayList(GameObjectManager.getGameObjects())) {
Or use a normal for loop, here objects can be added safely, but not removed:
List<GameObject> objects = GameObjectManager.getGameObjects();
int size = objects.size();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
GameObject g = objects.get(i);
Or fix GameObjectManager.registerGameObject()
to add to a temp list, not the main list and move them to the main list just before the existing code. The same could be done for removals.
GameObjectManager.promoteNewGameObjects(); //promote objects added in the last frame
for (GameObject g : GameObjectManager.getGameObjects()) {
g.update(); //as before