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scatter plot emacs table data

I'm collecting data into an emacs table, at the moment I'm using both ses-mode and org-mode.

the data in two of the columns are such that it makes sense for me to plot them as points on a Cartesian plane.

what I currently do is to collect the two columns in two vectors and to copy them in the *Calculator* buffer, then with gS and gs make sure I have points and no lines, then gp.

this opens a new window where I can see the scatter plot.

what I really would like is to have the gnuplot produce the svg (setting the terminal to svg) and that emacs captures that output in a buffer which I can view within emacs, and edit as text to alter the way some of the points look like.

this I can do by hand (gD svg, gp, switch to the *Gnuplot Trail* buffer and copy the svg source), but it's far from comfortable and I'm sure it can be automatised in elisp, and I suspect this has already been done by others staying inside of emacs.


  • I suppose that the question found its answer in the already mentioned github thread

    Bruce added a few lines to gnuplot-mode, and we suggested minimal corrections to org-mode.

    it would be fair to add a similar functionality to ses-mode.