just short question, why this:
<link rel="stylesheet" id="style" href="style.css">
document.getElementById('style').setAttribute('href', sessionStorage.getItem('style');
Doesn't work??
I guess my session storage is right, becouse with developer tools i can see that item style has a value, and when i change this value with other code it works, style actually changes, but when i open site again, eventhough the session storage value is ok the style doesn't change...
Anything? Thanks
You forgot a closing )
document.getElementById('style').setAttribute('href', sessionStorage.getItem('style'));
or to improve readability:
var style = sessionStorage.getItem('style');
document.getElementById('style').setAttribute('href', style);
Also make sure that you have previously stored a value in sessionStorage:
sessionStorage.setItem('style', '/foo.css');