Using the MatLab C API and Go's Cgo package, I'm attempting to read a 24x3000000 matrix inside a mat-file in my Go program. I'm able to successfully read the dimensions of the matrix but how do I access the values inside each cell? (The goal is ultimately to return this matrix as a slice to my Go program.)
var realDataPtr *C.double
var field *C.mxArray
fieldName := C.CString("data")
field = C.mxGetField(pa, 0, fieldName)
rowTotal := C.mxGetM(field) // outputs 24
colTotal := C.mxGetN(field) // outputs 3000000
// get pointer to data in matrix
realDataPtr = C.mxGetPr(field)
// Print every element in the matrix
for row := 0; row < int(rowTotal); row++ {
for col := 0; col < int(colTotal); col++ {
// This is where I get stuck
For reference, here's the Matrix Library API for C
Untested, since I don't have MatLab. For example,
import (
// Print every element in the matrix
ptr := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(realDataPtr))
for col := 0; col < int(colTotal); col++ {
for row := 0; row < int(rowTotal); row++ {
// This is where I get stuck
elem := *(*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
ptr += 8