Search code examples

How to pass multiple values to a parameter which also correspond with other parameters?

In order to do reporting on my domain, I have a need to pass multiple parameters through the URL and also pass their corresponding values.

Simple Example - Single value for each

http://localhost/myapp/search? filtertype=status&filterterm=pending

Complex Example - Multiple values -

http://localhost/myapp/search? filtertype=status&filtertype=color&filterterm=pending&filterterm=red

I can get these values as a list using params.list("filtertype") & params.list("filterterm") but this way they won't have any correlation among them.

My question is how would I make my criteria query based on these values such that I don't have to hardcode the array index for filterterm as I am doing in the solution below?

def filteredResults(params) {
  def filtertypes = params.list("filtertype")
  def filterterms = params.list("filterterm")

  def list = MyDomain.createCriteria().list(max: params.max?: 10, offset: params.offset?: 0) {
    if ("status" in filtertypes) {
      eq("status", filterterms[0])
    if ("color" in filtertypes) {
      eq("color", filterterms[1])

Note that in the above solution I am hard coding filterterms[0] etc.. this will not scale well. I need a solution that will scale well to multiple values.


  • Have you tried using eachWithIndex like this?:

    def filteredResults(params) {
      def filtertypes = params.list("filtertype")
      def filterterms = params.list("filterterm")
      def list = MyDomain.createCriteria().list(max: params.max?: 10, offset: params.offset?: 0) {
        filtertypes.eachWithIndex { ft, idx ->
          eq("${ft}", filterterms[idx])